Membership in the TN IAI
The active membership of the association shall consist of persons who are engaged in the science of identification and who are bona fide employees of, and are receiving salaries from national, state, county, or municipal governments, or some sub-division thereof. Active Members may hold office, shall be entitled to one (1) vote with respect to each matter presented to the membership of the TNIAI, obtain access to the TNIAI Membership Directory, as well as each of the issues of the TNIAI newsletter. $25 payable prior to March 31st
All reputable persons, wholly or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the science of identification, and who are not qualified for active or student membership, are eligible to be become associate members. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rules, fees, and charges to the same rights and privileges as active members, except that they shall not be eligible to hold the office of President or Vice- President.
Associate Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote with respect to each matter presented to the membership of the TNIAI, obtain access to the TNIAI Membership Directory, as well as each of the issues of the TNIAI newsletter. $25 payable prior to March 31st
Any student of an accredited college or university who is currently enrolled as a full or part-time student and who is
taking courses in order to pursue a career in the various phases of the science of identification or law enforcement is eligible to be a student member.
Student members are permitted to attend meetings, but are not entitled to vote on association business or hold any office. $10 payable prior to March 31st
Life and Sustaining Memberships shall be forever exempt from the payment of dues and assessments and shall be eligible to vote and be entitled to all regular privileges of an Active or Associate Member. These memberships will be granted as follows:
(a.) Life Members:
• Past Presidents
• Active and Associate Members who have paid their membership dues and assessments for the past consecutive twenty-five (25) years.
(b.) Sustaining Members:
• Active or Associate Members of the Division who pay a one-time nonrefundable sum of money equal to ten (10) times the yearly amount.